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A keystone contact and social networking engine that links users with enterprises, fellow users and other platforms.

This product utilizes a UNIX platform and offers the power of user sharing privileges whilst maintaining the highest standards in security and data integrity.


That's this gist, but PuttyMe® is a powerful platform that warrants some explanation. Here's how we break it down.



platforms me pass01


Introduction to PuttyMe®

PuttyMe® for patients

PuttyMe™ for PuttyProviders™

Introduction to PuttyPass™

PuttyPass™ for patients

PuttyPass™ for PuttyProviders™







Check out this diagram to visualise how patients, providers, PuttyMe®, PuttyPass™, and your PuttyEnterprise™ are interrelated. 


PuttyMe infographic



Introduction to PuttyMe®


PuttyMe® has some of the functionality of the social networks that we're all familiar with, but with a specific healthcare focus and the security and practicality that go hand in hand with the medical community. 


Anyone who comes in contact with a PuttyEnterprise™ can become a PuttyMe® user, which has several benefits. It is as simple as signing up with Facebook or Twitter to register with PuttyMe®. Users can either be onsite (that is, your enterprise staff) or offsite (patients and, in some cases, external service providers). 


PuttyMe® for patients


At the most basic level, PuttyMe® users that are external to your enterprise have access to the following 'Freemium' services:

  • Patients can find the right clinic and the right doctor online, across the world of Putty®.
  • They can view a PuttyEnterprise™'s clinical schedule, find a vacancy, and book an appointment online.
  • They may also receive notifications via email or SMS - when to visit the clinic, when to report for a test, and more. 


PuttyMe™ for PuttyProviders™


By default, the staff or PuttyProviders™ at your PuttyEnterprise™ are registered as PuttyMe® users. However, for enterprise staff to work effectively and securely within the PuttyEnterprise™ they need not only to be a PuttyMe™ user, but to have the powered-up privileges of PuttyPass™ holders.  


Introduction to PuttyPass™


While you don't have to be a PuttyPass™ holder in order to access basic services, higher level access privileges are associated with the PuttyPass™. This is essentially a unique ID associated with a health card that has an embedded and multifunctional QR code. Scanning the code identifies the card holder and provides an easy and efficient point of reference for many of the functions of your PuttyEnterprise™ EMR. Just for instance, patients that report to your clinic with their PuttyPass just need to have their card scanned in order to be checked in, have the consulting doctor notified, and the appropriate records flagged up.  


PuttyPass™ for patients


With the drive towards personally controlled electronic health records (PCEHR), more and more patients are going to want to have access to their medical records. This promises a new era of patient autonomy as well as the consolidation of an individual's medical history that will benefit healthcare providers, too. However, in order to facilitate this, patients and providers alike need to consider the associated security risks. While patients can, without any kind of verification, sign up as PuttyMe users in order to find a doctor and book an appointment, a thorough identification process must be followed in order to establish a link between patients and their medical records.


PuttyPass is this secure link.


Essentially, PuttyPass is:

  • A unique identity associated with a QR-coded health card. 
  • Only able to be issued by a PuttyPass-holding medical provider. 
  • Only able to be issued following a 100-point identity verification procedure. 
  • The link that allows a patient to access their personally controlled electronic health record.   


PuttyPass™ for PuttyProviders™


Within your enterprise, you can establish as many levels of access privileges as you care to. Front desk staff may have access to PuttyConnect™ - enabling them to use VoIP, chat, SMS faciities etc - and the éBookings™ daysheet - allowing them to create and amend appointments. Another member of staff may have exclusive access to the éBilling™ application. Doctors will neccessarily have access to the clinic's EMR database. It's up to you and your enterprise how you delineate these priveleges - because security hinges on these boundaries, PuttyMe® has been desgined to be entirely flexible and customisable in this regard. 


As a vital part of any secure PuttyEnterprise™, PuttyPass™ allows:

  • Discrete security permissions to be assigned to specific staff roles within your enterprise. 
  • Activity to be tracked and audited within your enterprise. 
  • Medical providers to issue a PuttyPass to a patient or other contact external or internal to your enterprise.